First of it’s kind for fire protection in the U.S.


Next gen­er­a­tion fire fight­ing

The Minimax MXOne high-per­form­ance fire­fight­ing tur­bine rep­res­ents a new gen­er­a­tion of sta­tion­ary fire pro­tec­tion sys­tems. This unique sys­tem has a 360° op­er­at­ing range and en­ables the highly  pre­cise, tar­geted use of water mist from a safe and great dis­tance. With full jet, it reaches a dis­charge range of up to 80m. Dur­ing a fire, the water mist ab­sorbs a huge amount of en­ergy, cools par­tic­u­larly ef­fect­ively and reaches hid­den fire sources due to the three-di­men­sional mode of ac­tion. It binds smoke gas, pol­lut­ants and odors and can quickly de­velop its ef­fect over large areas without, like clas­sic mon­it­ors with their fo­cused jets, dis­pers­ing burn­ing ma­ter­ial and pos­sibly con­trib­ut­ing to the spread of fire.

Next gen­er­a­tion fire fight­ing

The Minimax MXOne high-per­form­ance fire­fight­ing tur­bine rep­res­ents a new gen­er­a­tion of sta­tion­ary fire pro­tec­tion sys­tems. This unique sys­tem has a 360° op­er­at­ing range and en­ables the highly  pre­cise, tar­geted use of water mist from a safe and great dis­tance. With full jet, it reaches a dis­charge range of up to 80m. Dur­ing a fire, the water mist ab­sorbs a huge amount of en­ergy, cools par­tic­u­larly ef­fect­ively and reaches hid­den fire sources due to the three-di­men­sional mode of ac­tion. It binds smoke gas, pol­lut­ants and odors and can quickly de­velop its ef­fect over large areas without, like clas­sic mon­it­ors with their fo­cused jets, dis­pers­ing burn­ing ma­ter­ial and pos­sibly con­trib­ut­ing to the spread of fire.

Ad­vant­ages at a glance

  • Tar­geted ad­just­ment of spray pat­tern and ex­tin­guish­ing agent to the burn­ing ma­ter­ial
  • Rapid fire­fight­ing and am­bi­ent cool­ing through soph­ist­ic­ated water mist tech­no­logy
  • Ef­fect­ive­ness (li­quids, plastic waste, wood fire) tested sev­eral times, con­firmed by in­de­pend­ent bod­ies
  • Auto­matic or manual pre­ci­sion tar­get­ing in full jet (up to 80m)
  • Flex­ible util­iz­a­tion of water/salt-water and foam
  • Simple and se­cure re­mote con­trol op­er­a­tion
  • 360° ro­ta­tion, tilt­ing angle -19° to +43°
  • Easy in­teg­ra­tion into ex­ist­ing ex­tin­guish­ing sys­tems
  • Smoke sup­pres­sion by power­ful air blower
  • Mo­bile and sta­tion­ary in­stall­a­tion al­tern­at­ives

Inquire about the MXOne

Swipe for Features

Minimax engineers test MXOne in full-scale fire tests

With MXOne, broad­band risk scen­arios can be safely con­trolled by using dif­fer­ent ex­tin­guish­ing media. The ex­tin­guish­ing tur­bine can be op­er­ated with pot­able and salt water, with and without foam agent. The spray pat­terns range from fine water mist to full jet. The high-per­form­ance ex­tin­guish­ing sys­tem achieves a through­put of up to 4,000 liters per minute with a throw dis­tance of up to 80m.

Power­ful and op­er­a­tional 24/7

  • Dis­charge range of up to 75 m due to spe­cial tur­bine ef­fect
  • Suit­able for use in sum­mer and winter (in­doors and out­doors)
  • Also op­er­ates with sea­wa­ter and foam ad­dit­ives
  • Low op­er­at­ing pres­sure means that the device can be con­nec­ted to the local mains water sup­ply
  • Sturdy, in­dus­trial-grade design
  • Avail­able as a sta­tion­ary and a mo­bile ver­sion

Ef­fi­cient fire pro­tec­tion – from water mist to full jet mode

  • An ideal solu­tion for many areas of ap­plic­a­tion
  • Spray mode dur­ing op­er­a­tion can be ad­ap­ted to the fire scen­ario and fire load
  • Water mist mode re­duces the quant­ity of water re­quired as a res­ult of the cool­ing and ex­tin­guish­ing ef­fect
  • A gentle ex­tin­guish­ing water feed pre­vents burn­ing ma­ter­ial from spread­ing

Hochleistungs-Löschturbine MXOne

MXOne is de­signed for use both in­side and out­side build­ings. The ex­tin­guish­ing sys­tem can be in­stalled on the ground and el­ev­ated on a tower with mount­ing frame. The ex­tin­guish­ing tur­bine cov­ers a large ef­fect­ive range. It can be tilted from -19° to +43° and has a ro­ta­tion angle of 360°.

360° ro­ta­tion for max­imum flex­ib­il­ity

  • Ro­ta­tion range means all-round cov­er­age
  • Fast ro­ta­tion and pre­cise angle ad­just­ment
  • Pipe con­nec­tions in the ro­ta­tion area free from wear and tear due to spe­cial con­struc­tion

Quick to rise and tilt with per­man­ent con­trol of po­s­i­tion­ing

  • In­fin­itely vari­able nav­ig­a­tion: tilt­ing angle from -19° to +43°
  • Vari­able dis­charge dis­tance
  • Po­s­i­tion sensors in­dic­ate the exact align­ment of the tur­bine on the con­trol panel
MXOne on Trailer or Rack

MXOne can be op­er­ated either fully auto­mated via IR cam­era and in­dus­trial fire de­tector tech­no­logy or tar­geted to a fire source manu­ally by re­mote con­trol. Sta­tion­ary mount­ing on the ground is pos­sible as well as el­ev­ated in­stall­a­tion on a tower.

Mo­bile in­stall­a­tion on trailer: The in­stall­a­tion on a trailer with pre­pared con­nec­tions for elec­tri­city and water al­lows max­imum mo­bil­ity and flex­ib­il­ity. Quickly brought into po­s­i­tion and con­nec­ted to the local elec­tri­city and water sup­ply (fire de­part­ment sup­ply), MXOne can help to real­ize re­li­able fire pro­tec­tion in al­most any site.

Mo­bile ver­sion with its own power and water sup­ply: Moun­ted on a flat-rack con­tainer with own diesel power gen­er­ator and an in­ter­me­di­ate tank with 9,000 l as well as a fire de­part­ment sup­ply and sprink­ler pump with 8 bar up to 1,800 l / min.

Hochleistungs-Löschturbine MXOne

The con­trol and align­ment of the ex­tin­guish­ing tur­bine can be fully auto­matic. For this pur­pose, the in­form­a­tion from at least two fire de­tect­ors (e.g. Uni­Vario in­dus­trial fire de­tect­ors or in­frared cam­eras) is eval­u­ated in the fire alarm con­trol panel and the co­ordin­ates of the fire source are de­term­ined ex­actly from this be­fore MXOne is ac­tiv­ated. Al­tern­at­ively, manual con­trol of the tur­bine is al­ways pos­sible. De­pend­ing on the op­er­ator’s re­quire­ments, both sta­tion­ary and mo­bile con­trol vari­ants can be im­ple­men­ted.

Con­trol by fully auto­matic ex­tin­guish­ing op­er­a­tion with in­dus­trial de­tector and cam­era tech­no­logy or:

  • Fire de­tec­tion and ex­tin­guish­ing con­trol panel (e.g. Clunid FMZ6000).
  • Con­trol panel
  • Wall panel
  • Radio re­mote con­trol
Hochleistungs-Löschturbine MXOne

MXOne is a com­plex high-per­form­ance ex­tin­guish­ing sys­tem that has had to prove its re­li­ab­il­ity in nu­mer­ous full-scale fire tests. With MXOne, Minimax cus­tom­ers re­ceive a sys­tem that sets new stand­ards in sup­port­ing fire pro­tec­tion.

The ef­fect­ive­ness of MXOne has been tested sev­eral times and con­firmed by in­de­pend­ent bod­ies!

Among oth­ers by ac­cred­ited fire pro­tec­tion cer­ti­fic­a­tion bod­ies such as

  • bSafe,
  • DMT,
  • MPA Dresden
  • Flame­Cert

Suc­cess­ful fire and ex­tin­guish­ing tests with

  • Water (full jet),
  • water mist and
  • foam (mix­ture)

Typ­ical re­quire­ments for sys­tems to be used in harsh, in­dus­trial en­vir­on­ments: Re­si­li­ence, re­li­ab­il­ity and ef­fi­ciency. MXOne fully meets these re­quire­ments and, des­pite its ro­bust design, is easy to op­er­ate and re­quires little main­ten­ance. Thanks to tur­bine tech­no­logy, MXOne achieves throw­ing dis­tances of up to 80 m and can be lif­ted and tilted quickly and con­tinu­ously. This al­lows the throw­ing dis­tance to be ad­jus­ted at any time. The ex­tin­guish­ing sys­tem can be used in areas with an am­bi­ent tem­per­at­ure of -15° to 55° C.

  • Ex­ternal and in­ternal stor­age areas
  • Ma­ter­ial load­ing and un­load­ing sta­tions
  • Tanks with flam­mable li­quids or bulk ma­ter­i­als
  • Air­craft hangars or heli­ports
  • Sub­sta­tions and trans­formers
  • Tun­nels
  • Pro­tec­tion and cool­ing of ad­ja­cent areas

Due to the flex­ib­il­ity in the use of dif­fer­ent ex­tin­guish­ing media and the con­vin­cing per­form­ance data, MXOne is suit­able for use for sup­port­ing fire pro­tec­tion in nu­mer­ous branches of in­dustry. Wherever fires need to be fought ef­fi­ciently with pin­point ac­cur­acy and from a great dis­tance, the high-per­form­ance ex­tin­guish­ing sys­tem can make a de­cis­ive con­tri­bu­tion to cor­por­ate safety.

Minimax engineers test MXOne in full-scale fire tests

With MXOne, broad­band risk scen­arios can be safely con­trolled by using dif­fer­ent ex­tin­guish­ing media. The ex­tin­guish­ing tur­bine can be op­er­ated with pot­able and salt water, with and without foam agent. The spray pat­terns range from fine water mist to full jet. The high-per­form­ance ex­tin­guish­ing sys­tem achieves a through­put of up to 4,000 liters per minute with a throw dis­tance of up to 80m.

Power­ful and op­er­a­tional 24/7

  • Dis­charge range of up to 75 m due to spe­cial tur­bine ef­fect
  • Suit­able for use in sum­mer and winter (in­doors and out­doors)
  • Also op­er­ates with sea­wa­ter and foam ad­dit­ives
  • Low op­er­at­ing pres­sure means that the device can be con­nec­ted to the local mains water sup­ply
  • Sturdy, in­dus­trial-grade design
  • Avail­able as a sta­tion­ary and a mo­bile ver­sion

Ef­fi­cient fire pro­tec­tion – from water mist to full jet mode

  • An ideal solu­tion for many areas of ap­plic­a­tion
  • Spray mode dur­ing op­er­a­tion can be ad­ap­ted to the fire scen­ario and fire load
  • Water mist mode re­duces the quant­ity of water re­quired as a res­ult of the cool­ing and ex­tin­guish­ing ef­fect
  • A gentle ex­tin­guish­ing water feed pre­vents burn­ing ma­ter­ial from spread­ing

Hochleistungs-Löschturbine MXOne

MXOne is de­signed for use both in­side and out­side build­ings. The ex­tin­guish­ing sys­tem can be in­stalled on the ground and el­ev­ated on a tower with mount­ing frame. The ex­tin­guish­ing tur­bine cov­ers a large ef­fect­ive range. It can be tilted from -19° to +43° and has a ro­ta­tion angle of 360°.

360° ro­ta­tion for max­imum flex­ib­il­ity

  • Ro­ta­tion range means all-round cov­er­age
  • Fast ro­ta­tion and pre­cise angle ad­just­ment
  • Pipe con­nec­tions in the ro­ta­tion area free from wear and tear due to spe­cial con­struc­tion

Quick to rise and tilt with per­man­ent con­trol of po­s­i­tion­ing

  • In­fin­itely vari­able nav­ig­a­tion: tilt­ing angle from -19° to +43°
  • Vari­able dis­charge dis­tance
  • Po­s­i­tion sensors in­dic­ate the exact align­ment of the tur­bine on the con­trol panel
MXOne on Trailer or Rack

MXOne can be op­er­ated either fully auto­mated via IR cam­era and in­dus­trial fire de­tector tech­no­logy or tar­geted to a fire source manu­ally by re­mote con­trol. Sta­tion­ary mount­ing on the ground is pos­sible as well as el­ev­ated in­stall­a­tion on a tower.

Mo­bile in­stall­a­tion on trailer: The in­stall­a­tion on a trailer with pre­pared con­nec­tions for elec­tri­city and water al­lows max­imum mo­bil­ity and flex­ib­il­ity. Quickly brought into po­s­i­tion and con­nec­ted to the local elec­tri­city and water sup­ply (fire de­part­ment sup­ply), MXOne can help to real­ize re­li­able fire pro­tec­tion in al­most any site.

Mo­bile ver­sion with its own power and water sup­ply: Moun­ted on a flat-rack con­tainer with own diesel power gen­er­ator and an in­ter­me­di­ate tank with 9,000 l as well as a fire de­part­ment sup­ply and sprink­ler pump with 8 bar up to 1,800 l / min.

Hochleistungs-Löschturbine MXOne

The con­trol and align­ment of the ex­tin­guish­ing tur­bine can be fully auto­matic. For this pur­pose, the in­form­a­tion from at least two fire de­tect­ors (e.g. Uni­Vario in­dus­trial fire de­tect­ors or in­frared cam­eras) is eval­u­ated in the fire alarm con­trol panel and the co­ordin­ates of the fire source are de­term­ined ex­actly from this be­fore MXOne is ac­tiv­ated. Al­tern­at­ively, manual con­trol of the tur­bine is al­ways pos­sible. De­pend­ing on the op­er­ator’s re­quire­ments, both sta­tion­ary and mo­bile con­trol vari­ants can be im­ple­men­ted.

Con­trol by fully auto­matic ex­tin­guish­ing op­er­a­tion with in­dus­trial de­tector and cam­era tech­no­logy or:

  • Fire de­tec­tion and ex­tin­guish­ing con­trol panel (e.g. Clunid FMZ6000).
  • Con­trol panel
  • Wall panel
  • Radio re­mote con­trol
Hochleistungs-Löschturbine MXOne

MXOne is a com­plex high-per­form­ance ex­tin­guish­ing sys­tem that has had to prove its re­li­ab­il­ity in nu­mer­ous full-scale fire tests. With MXOne, Minimax cus­tom­ers re­ceive a sys­tem that sets new stand­ards in sup­port­ing fire pro­tec­tion.

The ef­fect­ive­ness of MXOne has been tested sev­eral times and con­firmed by in­de­pend­ent bod­ies!

Among oth­ers by ac­cred­ited fire pro­tec­tion cer­ti­fic­a­tion bod­ies such as

  • bSafe,
  • DMT,
  • MPA Dresden
  • Flame­Cert

Suc­cess­ful fire and ex­tin­guish­ing tests with

  • Water (full jet),
  • water mist and
  • foam (mix­ture)

Typ­ical re­quire­ments for sys­tems to be used in harsh, in­dus­trial en­vir­on­ments: Re­si­li­ence, re­li­ab­il­ity and ef­fi­ciency. MXOne fully meets these re­quire­ments and, des­pite its ro­bust design, is easy to op­er­ate and re­quires little main­ten­ance. Thanks to tur­bine tech­no­logy, MXOne achieves throw­ing dis­tances of up to 80 m and can be lif­ted and tilted quickly and con­tinu­ously. This al­lows the throw­ing dis­tance to be ad­jus­ted at any time. The ex­tin­guish­ing sys­tem can be used in areas with an am­bi­ent tem­per­at­ure of -15° to 55° C.

  • Ex­ternal and in­ternal stor­age areas
  • Ma­ter­ial load­ing and un­load­ing sta­tions
  • Tanks with flam­mable li­quids or bulk ma­ter­i­als
  • Air­craft hangars or heli­ports
  • Sub­sta­tions and trans­formers
  • Tun­nels
  • Pro­tec­tion and cool­ing of ad­ja­cent areas

Due to the flex­ib­il­ity in the use of dif­fer­ent ex­tin­guish­ing media and the con­vin­cing per­form­ance data, MXOne is suit­able for use for sup­port­ing fire pro­tec­tion in nu­mer­ous branches of in­dustry. Wherever fires need to be fought ef­fi­ciently with pin­point ac­cur­acy and from a great dis­tance, the high-per­form­ance ex­tin­guish­ing sys­tem can make a de­cis­ive con­tri­bu­tion to cor­por­ate safety.



The ef­fect­ive­ness of MXOne has been ex­tens­ively tested for li­quid fires, ker­osene, plastic waste and wood and con­firmed by ac­cred­ited and in­de­pend­ent fire pro­tec­tion cer­ti­fic­a­tion bod­ies such as DMT, MPA Dresden and Flame­Cert.


MXOne – Fire­fight­ing Tur­bine


MXOne – Quick Overview
